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You need to understand how a crook thinks, what his tools are, & how to keep him away from your home.
It isn't hard once YOU know, what he knows.
This 3 hour class is guaranteed to help you fortify your home!
• What entryway is most attractive to him?
• How they figure out your weekly schedule.
• What must they see in your yard?
• How do they know what valuables you have?
• Where is the best hiding place for them?
• How do they know the layout of your house?
• Where are they going to look inside your house?
• Will an alarm them keep them out?
• What valuables are valuable to them?
• Do they live in your area?
• Why will they pick your house, instead of your neighbors?
• Can you still protect your home with no electric?
• How important is your dog?
• What is the #1 thing they are afraid of?
• Why do only 13% of crooks get caught?
Help you prepare ahead of time for an intruder.
Make every deadbolt impossible to open even if they have a key.
Make every window impact resistant.
Strengthen every interior door
Convert an existing room into a safe room.
Make a $400 door, as strong as a $900 door
Know what weapons and tools will be most helpful in an attack.
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